YIN and Yang of Life

Sitting with my morning coffee on the porch enjoying the end of summer sunshine, I found myself staring at a huge, hairy, ugly spider. I am somewhat insect-phobic so to stare and especially admire a spider is highly unusual for me. Despite its’ obvious ugliness to me, I could see and marvel in its beauty; the elegance of its unique and purposeful body, the simplicity of the spiders’ purpose in Nature, the beauty and intricacy of its web. It’s powerful, dominant stance at the center of its web and its stillness in its patience all in one.
It helped me remember that life is kinda like that. YIN & YANG. Not always beautiful or perfect, and certainly not always working out the way we plan it out to be. But it is beautiful and it is balanced in its contradictions, in its’ flow of yin & yang. There is a definite yet subtle dance of give and take, the chase and surrender in Life. We have the power to fight its’ flow or take advantage of its ebb and flow.
I invite you today to mindfully, take a few second pause, on purpose, as many times as you want to.
How do you Feel?

Katarzyna Haberko-Sandaire

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